A video to a poem by Susan Rich, about the space between suffering and life lived; about survival and the unforgotten pain.
Film — Tova Beck-Friedman
Poem — Susan Rich
Narration: Susan Rich
Dance — Juliet Neidish
Cinematography —Tova Beck-Friedman & Avis Boone
Editing — Tova Beck-Friedman
Sound recording — Jack Straw
Archival footage – from the public domain
Music — Yusuke Tsutsumi “Lamentation for Those Rootless”
Stadtkino im Künstlerhaus Cinema in Vienna.(November 13th, 2021)
9th International Video Poetry Festival, Athens, Greece (March 2021)
REELpoetry Festival, Houston, TX (February 2021)
Finalist at the Slippery Elm Literary Journal‘s Deanna Tulley Multimedia Contest.
Women in Resistance program, International Poetry Film Festival of Thuringia, the Weimar Poetry Film Award. Germany (Oct. 2020)
The Shoa Collection at The New Museum of Networked Art
NewMediaFest2020 at:
ADAF – Athens Digital Art Festival (15 July-05 August)
TAM Tolerance Art Museum Los Angeles (18 July – 05 September
IAM – Institut für Alles Mögliche – Berlin, (09 July – 23- August).